
Identify Noise Source

Identifying the source of the sound is the first step in the process of noise mitigation. Following source identification, Environmental Noise Control, Inc. can use various methods to evaluate noise reduction techniques.


Measure & Report Noise Level

ENC provides a wide range of noise study services, including Environmental Impact Report Studies (EIRs), outdoor sound assessments, environmental noise monitoring, and code compliance studies.


Generate Predictive Model
of Noise Impact

Using ENC’s noise modeling software, its engineers predict sound levels at specific locations to observe & quantify the impacts of sound propagation within the environment.


Design & Develop Mitigation Options

After environmental noise studies are completed and presented, a wide range of design & mitigation options are available. Solutions are customized to each project.


Decide on Course of Action

There are many different noise mitigation systems to be considered. ENC works carefully with client teams to determine each project’s optimum, cost-effective solution.


Install Noise Mitigation System

ENC offers turn-key installation, supervision, and direct product sales and rentals. ENC’s licensed installers are experienced and work quickly & effectively to complete projects promptly and cost-effectively.


Verify Results & Code Compliance

ENC’s follow-up services include post-installation testing to verify noise mitigation results and provide the necessary proof of code compliance.